Land Clearing

Land Clearing

Are you planning a residential or commercial construction project in McLean County? If so, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll need professional land clearing services. Land clearing is often the very first stage of a construction project. Naturally, before the actual construction can start, the land must be sufficiently prepared. This usually means clearing and grading the land.
In addition to our professional excavation and demolition services, Boward Brothers also provides safe and efficient land clearing services. Whatever the scope of your construction project, you can depend on our experienced team to clear the site effectively and on schedule. With most construction projects, land clearing typically entails the same basic practices. However, the time necessary to effectively complete the clearing process can, of course, vary depending upon the planned construction. Generally, the process of land clearing involves surveying the site in reference to the blueprints to determine how to proceed.

prepare the site for construction

Then, land clearing to prepare the site for construction can begin by clearing out large rocks and vegetation. Trees and bushes can definitely create significant obstacles for a construction project. Even when a tree isn’t directly in the way, the tree’s roots can become a major problem later on.
grade the property

The next part of the land clearing process is to grade the property. Again, this step depends upon the particular features of the site. Improvements such as drainage control and erosion prevention might be necessary to be sure the land will endure in the years to come. Installation of septic systems or wells might in some cases be a necessary part of the process.

Other land grading purposes can include:

-Construction of an access road
-Connecting the land to utility services such as water and electricity.
-Excavation to create a foundation for the building.
-Demolition of existing buildings.

Boward Brothers Farm & Excavation LLC – Kirk Demolition – 10552 N 2400 East Road – Downs, IL – Call 309-275-6197

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